There is this famous saying, "Time & tide waits for none"..well.. who gives a shit to the tide unless it strikes me in the form of tsunami.. time.. well over the years many changes have come up.. with time people change, many new words get added to dictionary n lots of things happen.. & one such thing is the value of time. if I ask you how long is one second, what would be your answer???????
Well.. It varies from person to person & here are a few examples
1) My alarm goes off in the morning at 6 and i put to snooze n say to myself "i will get up in one second only to find out that its already 8 & its too late to take bath now.. so I decide to spray the deo n get ready in another "SECOND" (which roughly takes 15 minutes!)
2) My mom doesnt allow me to step out of house empty stomach.. she always wants me to have breakfast but the problem is, the breakfast doesnt get ready on time.. mom-" cheenu, it will be ready in one second..jus wait for one second.. eat it in a second n go.. u will reach college in a second!!!"
2) i reach college(ofcourse in 20 minutes..gosh did u actually believe my mom???..even the fastest jet wont take me to coll in one second!) and find out that my friend is in similar situation (happy to have a company at last) He asks me to hold his books for "A SECOND" so that he can tie his shoe lace n i find out that the second was stretched till we reach the class..
3) i raise a doubt in the lecture n she says..Just a second.. i will refer and tell you tomorrow!!!!( wow..i never knew dat one day had one second.. who the fuck teaches that there are 86400 seconds in a day???")
4)We friends assemble in 11.10 break and my friend gets a phone call n he asks for excusing him for a second.." hey..wil b back in a second k" n the phone call takes away the whole break time..
5)on the phone call, his girl friend starts the convy & in between another gal crosses her.. this girlfriend then says,"hey sweety..jus gimme a second k." poor guy waits in dilemma for another half an hour only to hear d convy of those two gals abt the new footwear she is wearing!!!! or some bitching abt some other girls for another second!!!
6)i take a seminar and promise that i will conclude it in one second..(oh c'mon every one knows hw much is one second..!)
so i finally end my day and come back home.. recently there had been a fest where we were getting pizza and burgers for 3 days(thankfully this wasnt for a second).. i happened to parcel it for my sister.. she was going to tell me a story (school level gossip) in one second and i popped up this parcel of pizza and burger.. trust me, she almost fainted!!! poor girl.. n she said- "Cheenu, wil tell u the details now..jus gimme a second to recover..but she did stick to the time n resumed back.. :) i patiently heard her story which was slightly modified..cuz all i could here was "GGaaaa gaa boooobooo gooo babooo shooo thaaaa" what else do u hear wen a person stuffs the burger n tries to speak!! did u think my ear got stuffed with wax n needs cleaning????
now she had this love and affection flowing for me cuz of this noble gesture of mine.. so she decided to make a glass of cold drink(tang) "Shri , i will get a tangy glass made for u in just a second.. but this time, she dint stick to it.. i kept waiting for an hour and resorted to sleep.. i called her to get a pillow for me.. she said.."hey pl wait for a second n sleep.. i have already made 2 glasses of it" she does gets me d pillow but not the juice.i slept n got up next morning to find out that she slept near the glass of juice!! i think she must have decided to doze off for a second and ended up stretching it whole night!!!!!
so tell long is a second???? :)