Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My head would burst if i dont get it out of my mind....

Enough is enough!

Ok.. this post is the outrage after reading the following article.


I thought about it for sometime, discussed with my friends who did not understand my point n I wasn’t accepting theirs.. dunno y my mind wasn’t at peace.. so I decided I would vent out my anger here through this post. Firstly, it targeted Muslim community!! Dunno y some found the article fucking brilliant.. Had the article been about how Osama is misguiding millions, i would have agreed and appreciated.. on the contrary, it took a wrong example and tried to target the whole muslim community by calling them a hypocrite..they say it is haram n yet become world's largest porno viewers..so wat if they r? their prophets thought that it was sinful and wanted muslims to lead a life free of such sins..back then they did not have dvds and internet..if they had, they would have understood the difficulty and would have given another option..now they are not here n ppl stick to wat was given to them in the past... Here, you see an article tat highlights how the teachings of Muslim prophets given centuries ago are being trashed in the 21st century…about hypocrisy.. For some weird reasons, I do not see anything wrong in being a hypocrite.. if Nityananda did not follow what he preached then what was so wrong in that.. you should follow words..not the man.. that’s why a branch of Christianity believes in words and not Jesus.. you should try to follow the words if u like it..not cuz you like it hearing frm the charming saints.. When Muslim community said it is haram to watch porn, then they tried to put their point to the world that they found sinful.. Every person wants to make a mark in this world.. every one wants to be known and acknowledged.. Back then, Muslims wanted to make a strong impact and thought of setting up a rule that would distinguish them from other religion and can be helpful in leading a righteous life.. We Hindus had Kamasutra going on so we escaped.. Nothing wrong in watching porn while drinking madira.. Some section of people did not like it and presented their views.. They preached it and those who wanted to follow it were called Muslims.. Times changed and concept of religion was lost.. People are not following religion but are forcefully bound to it.. I say if you like it, you follow it and if you don’t then don’t follow it.. Now today if the person who preaches it watches porn, what is your fucking problem? He is doing his job of delivering the teachings that he is supposed to do as his duty as a preacher… Seems osama watched porn during his hide out.. oh wow, I thought he was a saint and wouldn’t watch it..thanks for the article it got cleared up.. bull shit..dint I have anything better to do other than knowing the porn stash collection he had.. is it really that important that you end up writing an article abt it? Its like Aishwarya Rai cooked meal for her family and stupid media makes a half an hour show out of it and some news channel repeat the thing the entire day.. the article was equally silly..

Also, why is it that when the word Muslim comes, Osama and jihad automatically gets associated.. what happened to the founder of the religion..no one thinks of him..no one knows that the father of chemistry was a muslim.. no one thinks of the magnificent wonder Taj Mahal, no body talks about how great a ruler was Akbar.. well, for an entire list of Muslims who did so much good to the society and yet are not known, visit: http://www.famousmuslims.com ..All you find is Osama Bin Laden and Jihad and hypocrisy!! Oh yeah that reminds me to go back to the point-“hypocrisy”.. the article all through says how hypocrite is Muslim community and makes Muslims a laughing stock! Who isn’t hypocrite in this world? when u want to impress a girl you portray yourself as someone else..isnt tat being a hypocrite.. forget tat.. each n every person has a facebook account.. u photoshop an image or try to pester ur friend to click a really good pic n then put a status tat can make u look ultra cool in the community.. u toil ur time thinking and searching online for the best lines so tat u can have a fucking awesome status, which is not yours and which you never follow..isnt tat being a hypocrite now?? forget even tat.. Ask an Indian..” Are you tolerant to muslims in India” Proud answer tat every Indian would give,” of course, india is a secular state. We respect all religion. Muslims are our brothers” and when an article of this sort comes, all of us laugh n joke about how much of a hypocrites these musliims are and find the article fucking brilliant.. now where did that brotherhood vanish?? isn’t THAT being a hypocrite???

Now suddenly the point comes..Its not about Muslims in India.. its about the countries in the middle east.. Women are oppressed. They don’t have the right to vote, the right to drive.. And what has that got to do with the religion.. Did islam ever mention that women shouldn’t drive and shouldn’t vote? No it did not.. the men in those regions did.. So y generalize the religion.. Indian Muslim women vote and drive. They do it in every other parts of the world. If middle east is not comfortable then let the women in those countries fight for it. Who are we to interfere in the affairs of other country? We don’t even know if the women there like it or hate it.. We assume that they don’t like it and end up saying Muslims are conservative and THAT includes the Muslims residing in our country too and that hurts!!!!

And sometimes I hate USA for being such dimwits. They can’t make intelligent moves so they resort to humiliating and insulting others.. And being the super power in the world makes others nod to whatever crap they write and say.. if they fart, you pretend you don’t smell or hear anything..but if Middle east did the same then the whole world laughs n says “Muslims” fart..

Enough is enough.. Osama cannot represent Muslims.. If Pakistan, Afghanistan harbours Al Qaida terrorists, then it is not because of their religion.. Islam doesnt say have terrorists and create terrorism in the world.. If Midlle east is being oppressive towards women then so was India before Independence.. Few brave men and women stepped and fought for their rights.. if women there want it, let them fight for it.. Muslim or Islam has nothing to do with what the men in those countries are doing.. And finally, Muslims exist in india and I have Muslim friends who are the kindest and best people I have ever met. The articles of that sort hurts them and hurts me. And when you say Muslims and laugh about it, its not just the middle east muslims you are laughing at but also the Muslims residing in our own country… Bitter relations with Pakistan and Bangladesh bends our minds towards ridiculing our own muslim brothers and sisters and articles of the sort totally blinds us.. So next time when you see an article ridiculing Muslims, try to put it on your fb and instead of calling it a fucking brilliant article, try to post a comment stating how sad you feel to see the image of a true Muslim is being tarnished! I pity the ignorance of those who do not understand a true Muslim and end up writing a stupid article targeting Muslims.. It was a shock to realize the writer is a muslim..god knows how much she got paid to sell her soul..That’s why they say, if you cant do good, don’t do bad either..just shut up n sit quite instead of writing an idiotic article and finding it funny or bold!

p.s- written in a rage, I don’t know if I kept repeating the same points again n again or made mistakes.. m in no mood to review the article cuz it is midnight..just wanted the thought flow out of my mind so tat I can get a peaceful and good night’s sleep.. u r free to comment n discuss J


  1. Of all the things bin Laden did, watching porn was the most normal.!!! :D
    i find no reason to relate it to the religion, nowadays ppl claim their right to watch porn... who doesnt? and these things pertains to one's own personel life and need not be interfered much!!

  2. exactly swaedy... and he is not a perfect example to exemplify the flaws/hypocrisy in Muslim society...

  3. One thing vch is to be distibguished, osama was nt saint, he dnt hv follwers rather he was a tyrant or rebel watever, Had his own group dey may hav follwed him or dey r following bt not the whole muslim community...............
    Here u made ur point dear i can understnd nw wat u wan to say.. sentiments get hurted only varaince bw u can n me is dat one who shud follow...otherwse it wot make any impact on ppl...

  4. @irfan: I am 100% sure that all of us who discussed on anoop's wall share the same feelings as above.. Problem was I lost temper.. They all were more sensible and I think I had to take out my frustration in this way..But i still stick to my points about hypocrisy (which i dont find wrong!)..;)

  5. Shrini, obviously, you have written this in rage,and have ended up dumping in many things you wanted to say in a single post.There are quite a few interesting things you have touched, like "you should follow the words, not the man", and how each one of us is an hypocrite. Please try to write more on them..

  6. @adarsh: thanks a lot da ! :) yeah.. i need to learn to contro the rage and express in minimal words as possible.. will get a hang of it n shall write something better :) thanks again man!! :)
