My earlier blogs always started with a dedication to mom and all the mothers on earth but now i realised that every time i start a blog i cant keep writing the same dedis..(c'mon even computers hang up if u keep burning the same content in different disks, n i m worse than a comp!) so no dedications to anyone this time..
ahem ahem. . . coming to "the hatke incident of the day", we had the power cut n the reason was "DMK-congress talks failed!!!" for christ's sake what crap was that??? (but you know what.. tamilians deserve it!!) as if this wasnt enough, the cable guy had cut the line in protest.. we were wondering what we can do.. My dad went to check up with our local cable guy n saw many other outrageous people.. but that cable guy, being a staunch DMK supporter, was firm in his decision.. My dad couldnot stand it anymore.. though the electricity issue was out of our hands but this cable connection!!! he dint sense the blow coming.. all the people decided not have cable connection.. we bought tata-sky and sun direct n asked the cable guy to keep his connection.. ( that was a huge blow to him n i am wondering if DMK is going to pay compensation to its loyal supporter..!)
Now we are sitting in house, happily watching TV at a lesser price.. but i still dont understand one thing.. should we feel happy to have taught a lesson to that cable guy or should we feel like a jack ass for having fallen to the trap laid to buy Sun direct ( which is again a DMK product if i m not mistaken!!!)
whatever it is, one thing is sure, the present governtment is sucking our blood n money but people are not realizing it.. two years later, we are again going to vote for a senseless, ruthless party n i can foresee the upcoming power cuts!!! (n the cable cuts as TV needs electricity to run yar!!)

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