Lecturer- "Shrini, are u ready with your seminar?"
Me- ( is he nuts? i already took it yesterday.. oww wait wait .. was it the dream?? oh mann i had performed so well.. ahh, it definitely was a dream.. reason- lecturer was wearing a saree..!!! shit.. ) " yes sir".wait. did i prepare for it in reality???? what is the topic???
Well, this is what has been happening with me for the past few days. Lecturers stop teaching and load us with seminars.. I was too overloaded.. If only i had been named Herbie, i could use- "Herbie fully loaded" the only thing that was common b/w me n Herbie was, seminars were DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!
Amidst all these confusions, i woke up this monday morning at 4 with a sudden gasp.. fish.i forgot to prepare for today's seminar.. spent the sunday watching movie.. wtf.. i log on to the computer with delirium .. all my brain instructed was- switch on to the internet IMMEDIATELY!!!! and dats what i did.. but wait.... WHAT IS THE TOPIC???? b4 that... WHAT SUBJECT DUDE???? it took me a minute to realise what was happening.. i was again dreaming about taking one seminar.. oh no.. not again.. i somehow managed to surf through some topics for safe side.. I reach college.. I happen to cross that lecturer..
After struggling with lots of should & shouldn't, i managed to ask him
Me-" Sir, I was wondering if you had asked me to take seminar on sterilisation quipments"
Him-"!@#$%^*. No shrini..We are not having seminar on family planning. ha ha.." (the poorest joke i ever heard u know!)
Me-Phew. thank god. i am safe. weakly smiling for his so called joke.
Him-"You were supposed to take on infectious disease of Type 4 safety level and recombinant vector vacines for them"
Me-"Type 4 Whaaaaat???????"!@#$%^&*()
who is tat dream proffe in saree????????;P
ReplyDelete@ ish : well..ahem ahem.. its none other than the "Love Life" guy ;)