Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Watz in de newz??

well the very first thing that i do when i wake up in the morning is to check news, usually at google.. these days im at home so why miss a chance when tv is there.. so wats in de newz?? the great Maha Shame.. Maha as in Maharastra as well as Maha, sumthing thats huge... Azmi was taking oath in Hindi and ppl from MNS party were against it. As a rule they must take oath only in Marathi.. How lame is tat? Hindi is our national lang plus ppl over there in north can understand hindi unlike in Tamilnadu where everythin is in Tamil... So why bother if he takes pledge in hindi or marathi... another news was about a 5 yr old kid trapped in a borewell for 34 hours in jaipur and how they had to retrieve him...then came the 20th anniversary of the Berlin wall..wow few months ago i was madly in love with germany that i learnt german or rather Deutsch and have even passed in the first exam.. but wats the point.. its so damn difficult to survive in Germany... die, das der aahhh its so damn frustrating...
nothin much on the other channels so opened my laptop and started reading new moon, the sequel to Twiligth... well well well, i badly wanted to finish reading the book b4 the movie so that i can compare both.... i havent even read my univ materials with lot of interest..
thus passed the rest of the day

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